Research thrusts include the study of gas-phase actinide chemistry and the synthesis of new actinide materials, investigation of 5f-element bonding, and the elucidation of electronic, magnetic and reactivity characteristics of actinide molecules and materials. Specific topics pursued include actinide complexation, solution chemistry, thermodynamics, and the chemical control of troublesome radionuclides. The program also develops specialized instrumentation and techniques for use with radioactive materials, including mass spectrometry, fluorimetry and calorimetry, and makes extensive use of DOE synchrotron radiation light sources. Chemical and nuclear properties of the heaviest elements, those beyond Z=103, are actively investigated.
The HEC program consists of four integrated Project Areas: Actinide Coordination Chemistry, Chemistry and Physical Properties of Actinides in the Solid State, Solution and Gas-Phase Chemistry, and Chemistry of the Heaviest Elements.